Friday, February 13, 2009

Chili Dinner

Success! The chili dinner was a huge hit! We raised a lot of money and now we are finished. We have met our goal. God is good! I had no idea that sooo many people would show up. I was serving chili and my hand got cramped up from holding the ladle so long haha but it was all worth it.

Thanks to my supporters! There is no way we could be done fund raising this early without each one of you.

On a different note I got very sick after the chili dinner and missed a lot of school. I am still trying to catch up in my classes and regain my strength. If this would have been a month later the possibility of me going on the trip would be very slim. So if i had to get sick at all now was the time. Everyday I am feeling better and better. However, it has made the trip come even faster! Its going to be here before I know it!

Things to pray for:
  • That i continue to get caught up in my school work
  • That i can regain my strength
  • To prepare my heart and mind for the trip and what God is going to show me
  • To prepare the team in general
  • Safety and health